LF «Moskalenko & Partners» Held Seminar : «The Anticredit: Ways to Get Rid or to Reduce Burden of the Problem Loan»

On the 25th of September 2012 the ІV Annual Seminar «The Anticredit: Ways to Get Rid or to Reduce Burden of the Problem Loan» was held by the LF «Moskalenko & Partners». The following topics were highlighted at the seminar.
1. Pre-trial resolution of the conflict with creditor. 2. Popular ways to avoid property confiscation. 3. Current issues of enforcement of collection credit debt. 4. Case-law practice on credit agreements, guarantee and pledge. Tendencies and successful examples from practice.
The traditional speakers of the seminar were partner of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", attorney at law Anastasiya Moskalenko and senior associate of the firm Elina Antsut. They not only summarized the main achievements of credit disputes case-law practice of previous years and analyzed the general trends in this area, but also revealed a qualitatively new, previously not covered approaches to the arguments that could be put forward to the creditor, the legal ways to preserve the debtor's property and examples of effective credit disputes resolution from own practice.
1. Pre-trial resolution of the conflict with creditor. 2. Popular ways to avoid property confiscation. 3. Current issues of enforcement of collection credit debt. 4. Case-law practice on credit agreements, guarantee and pledge. Tendencies and successful examples from practice.
The traditional speakers of the seminar were partner of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", attorney at law Anastasiya Moskalenko and senior associate of the firm Elina Antsut. They not only summarized the main achievements of credit disputes case-law practice of previous years and analyzed the general trends in this area, but also revealed a qualitatively new, previously not covered approaches to the arguments that could be put forward to the creditor, the legal ways to preserve the debtor's property and examples of effective credit disputes resolution from own practice.