The Anticredit: Ways To Get Rid Or To Reduce Burden Of The Problem Loan

October 15, 2014 year
Information Partners
Press release The Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners» announces the VI Annual Seminar «The Anticredit: Ways To Get Rid Or To Reduce Burden Of The Problem Loan».
The following topics will be highlighted at the seminar:
1. The procedure of debt collection. Pre-trial settlement of the conflict with the creditor. 2. Judicial practice of supreme courts in credit disputes. Trends and examples. 3. The legal conclusions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in credit disputes, application of which is mandatory for all courts of Ukraine. 4. The ways to protect debtors, guarantors, mortgagors. 5. Bringing borrowers to the criminal liability for failure to perform credit contracts.
At the end of the workshop: discussion, answers to questions, exchange of views.
The speakers of the workshop: • Igor Berdan, managing partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» • Anastasiya Moskalenko, partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners»
Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" was founded in 2007, specializes in credit disputes and brings together recognized experts in the field among colleagues and clients. For example, at the 06th of December, 2013 the lawyer A. Moskalenko reported about our experience in credit disputes at the training seminar to more than 100 lawyers. Seminar "ANTICREDIT: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan” is conducted every year and is the unprecedented legal event in Ukraine on credit cases. The judicial decisions we won against well-known banks of Ukraine, a large number of publications and video consultations you can find at www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. The workshop will be interesting for the borrowers, guarantors, mortgagors, their spouses, heirs, suspects accused in criminal cases, lawyers and other people who have problem debts in domestic or foreign currency. IF YOU HAVE DESIRE TO WIN THE CASE WITH CREDITOR, TO SAVE YOUR PROPERTY AND TO PREVENT CRIMINAL LIABILITY – COME TO OUR SEMINAR! The time: 15th of October 2014, 19.00 – 21.00. The place: specified. Participation in the seminar will be free of charge, but with pre-registration. In order to register, receive answers to additional questions, please, call: +38 (067) 3055560; +38 (050) 0607800, +38 (044) 2750510 or contact us via e-mail: info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua

Press release The Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners» announces the VI Annual Seminar «The Anticredit: Ways To Get Rid Or To Reduce Burden Of The Problem Loan».
The following topics will be highlighted at the seminar:
1. The procedure of debt collection. Pre-trial settlement of the conflict with the creditor. 2. Judicial practice of supreme courts in credit disputes. Trends and examples. 3. The legal conclusions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in credit disputes, application of which is mandatory for all courts of Ukraine. 4. The ways to protect debtors, guarantors, mortgagors. 5. Bringing borrowers to the criminal liability for failure to perform credit contracts.
At the end of the workshop: discussion, answers to questions, exchange of views.
The speakers of the workshop: • Igor Berdan, managing partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» • Anastasiya Moskalenko, partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners»
Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" was founded in 2007, specializes in credit disputes and brings together recognized experts in the field among colleagues and clients. For example, at the 06th of December, 2013 the lawyer A. Moskalenko reported about our experience in credit disputes at the training seminar to more than 100 lawyers. Seminar "ANTICREDIT: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan” is conducted every year and is the unprecedented legal event in Ukraine on credit cases. The judicial decisions we won against well-known banks of Ukraine, a large number of publications and video consultations you can find at www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. The workshop will be interesting for the borrowers, guarantors, mortgagors, their spouses, heirs, suspects accused in criminal cases, lawyers and other people who have problem debts in domestic or foreign currency. IF YOU HAVE DESIRE TO WIN THE CASE WITH CREDITOR, TO SAVE YOUR PROPERTY AND TO PREVENT CRIMINAL LIABILITY – COME TO OUR SEMINAR! The time: 15th of October 2014, 19.00 – 21.00. The place: specified. Participation in the seminar will be free of charge, but with pre-registration. In order to register, receive answers to additional questions, please, call: +38 (067) 3055560; +38 (050) 0607800, +38 (044) 2750510 or contact us via e-mail: info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua