Actions of "Privatbank" Declared Illegal by the Courts

Actions of "Privatbank" Declared Illegal by the Courts
The Court of Appeal of Kiev City decided on 09.08.2016 in case number 760/5112/15-ts and recognized the actions of PJSC CB "Privatbank" in relation to a client of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" to write off funds from her account and accrued interest, penalties and fines for overdue credit debt in the total amount of UAH 240 455.58 as unlawful. The Court of Appeal of Kiev City found a violation of the order and the bank funds withdrawal conditions from the customer's account, debit to unforeseen legal grounds and in a way unintended by the law, on the basis of which upheld the decision of the court of I instance in favor of the consumer of banking services.
In proceedings in the courts of first and appellate instances the client’s protection has been provided by a team of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" consisting of the managing partner, attorney-at-law Igor Berdan and attorney-at-law Moskalenko Anastasiya, attorney’s assistants Sedun Daryna and Tashmatova Angelica.