The VI Annual Seminar of the LF "Moskalenko & Partners" on Credit Disputes

On October 15th, 2014 at the premises of the hotel "Cossack", which is situated at the Independence Square, the VI Annual Seminar «Anticredit: How to Rid or Reduce the Burden of Problem Debt» was held, which is a unique and longstanding Ukrainian legal event on credit disputes on high professional level.
The speakers of the seminar were traditionally partners of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Igor Berdan and Anastasiya Moskalenko. The guests were lawyers, lenders, representatives of creditors and regular customers of our company.
Among the points raised in the discussion: debt collection procedure; tricks of court settlement of the conflict with the lender; judicial practice of higher courts in credit disputes; legal conclusions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine which are obligatory for use by all courts of Ukraine; how to protect debtors, guarantors, pledgers; bringing borrowers to criminal responsibility for default credit agreements. Special attention was paid to using legal positions expressed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine during 2011-2014 years, which can be used in credit disputes in favor of borrowers, tricks of delaying proceedings and nuances of settled interpretation of some of the legislation acts by the courts of Ukraine.
Igor and Anastasiya readily spoke about their experience and best practice on the conduct of the numerous legal disputes with financial institutions, gave answers to all questions from audience and shared useful information with participants who were directly affected by unpaid debts.