LF “Moskalenko & Partners” Won th Dispute with PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK” in the amount of 114 thousands UAN

The Team of the LF “Moskalenko & Partners” headed by the partners Igor Berdan and Anastasiya Moskalenko effectively protected interests of debtors of the PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK” winning the dispute in the amount of 114 thousands UAN. The LF “Moskalenko & Partners” proved illegality and groundlessness of the appeal of PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK” about renewal deadlines for submission of executive letters for execution in the district court of Odessa and the Appellate Court of Odesa Region. In particular, the Team of the LF “Moskalenko & Partners” was able to prove abuse of procedural rights by the PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK”. After the case had been examined, the decision was taken, came into force and cannot be appealed in cassation order.