Legal Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" invites all motorists at the seminar: Legal aspects of the use of uncleared in customs cars in Ukraine

April 11, 2017 year
General Media Partner
Legal Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" invites all motorists at the seminar:
Legal aspects of the use of uncleared in customs cars in Ukraine
The following topics will be covered in detail at the seminar:
1. Law on the preferential customs clearance: how to apply.
2. Transit or temporary admission of foreign registration of the car and the conditions of its use in Ukraine.
3. Possible risks of using bonded vehicle and sanctions, threatening users and owners of such cars.
All participants will be able to get answers to all additional questions.
Speakers of the workshop: • Igor Berdan, managing partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners», attorney • Anastasiya Moskalenko, partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners», attorney Legal Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" was founded in 2007, specializes in customs and tax disputes of various difficulty involving natural persons and companies. A large number of publications and video consultations you can find at www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua and www.customsattorney.com.ua
Time: April 11, 2017 (Tuesday), 18.00 - 20.00. Address: Kiev, prospect V. Lobanovsky 4-Zh, Office of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners"( the other side of a builging). Participation in the seminar is free subject to prior registration. Participation and registration on the day of the seminar should be paid 500 UAH per person.
Limited number of seats!
Get answers to additional questions and to sign up for individual legal advice is possible on tel .: +38 (067) 3055560, +38 (050) 0607800, +38 (044) 2750510 or by contacting the e-mail anastasiya.moskalenko@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. ____________________________________________________
Information about General Media Partner: Prostopravo.com.ua - Your guide in the world of legal relations
Helps to find answers to questions of legal nature faced by natural and legal persons in their usual activity. If you cannot find information in the sections of the site, feel free to ask questions to lawyers and get free legal advice.

Speakers of the workshop: • Igor Berdan, managing partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners», attorney • Anastasiya Moskalenko, partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners», attorney Legal Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" was founded in 2007, specializes in customs and tax disputes of various difficulty involving natural persons and companies. A large number of publications and video consultations you can find at www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua and www.customsattorney.com.ua
Time: April 11, 2017 (Tuesday), 18.00 - 20.00. Address: Kiev, prospect V. Lobanovsky 4-Zh, Office of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners"( the other side of a builging). Participation in the seminar is free subject to prior registration. Participation and registration on the day of the seminar should be paid 500 UAH per person.
Limited number of seats!
Get answers to additional questions and to sign up for individual legal advice is possible on tel .: +38 (067) 3055560, +38 (050) 0607800, +38 (044) 2750510 or by contacting the e-mail anastasiya.moskalenko@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. ____________________________________________________
Information about General Media Partner: Prostopravo.com.ua - Your guide in the world of legal relations
Helps to find answers to questions of legal nature faced by natural and legal persons in their usual activity. If you cannot find information in the sections of the site, feel free to ask questions to lawyers and get free legal advice.