October 10, 2015 year
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"LEGAL PROFESSION AND BUSINESS: PRACTICAL ASPECTS FOR YOUNG LAWYERS" Press release The Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" announces exclusive workshop of the partner of the firm, attorney Anastasiya Moskalenko "The Legal Profession and Business Practical Aspects for Young Lawyers." The workshop consists of 2 main practical units: I. LEGAL PROFESSION, CAREER AND BUSINESS: 1. What are the legal professions? How to choose you own professional path? 2. How to find a good job? To what pays attention the employer in the resume of a young job seeker? 3. What are the factors of professional development? 4. What factors of career development? 5. How to make quick career in someone else company? 6. What do you need to start your own legal business? And is it good for you personally? 7. Ways to develop professional and business qualities of the lawyer. 8. Professional organizations and their benefits. II. LEGAL PRACTICE: 1. Ethics of legal practice in relation to colleagues and clients. 2. Section practices by types of law and economic spheres. 3. Methods of project work: litigation. 4. Methods of project work: contracts and other extrajudicial projects. 5. Nuances of work on the examples of some practices. 6. Technical part of the lawyer's job. 7. Additional skills required from modern lawyers. 8. Lawyer behavior in critical situations. 3. Results: Questions and Answers. Pluses and Minuses of the Legal Profession. The audience and purpose of the workshop: this author's seminar focuses on the basics of the legal profession, career and business and practical point of view and will help young specialists to find answers to most questions that concern (or have to worry) them at the beginning of their career path. It will be very useful for students, graduates and young lawyers with little experience (less than 5 years) and those colleagues who are interested in the possibility of creating their own legal business. The seminar will be interesting to practicing lawyers of all specialties and all those interested in our profession. The workshop will help young lawyers to keep, fully and effectively use their labor and life time to achieve the best possible personal career and professional result. All participants will get handouts and will be able to ask questions that interested them. Time & Date: "10" of October 2015, from 11.00 - 15.00 p.m. Place: 03037, Kyiv, 4 zh Chervonozoryanyi Avenue, Office 14, The Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners". Participation fee: 250 UAH. with pre-registration, 300 UAH. if paid on the day of the workshop. Seats are limited! There is chance of a distant participation in the seminar by videotranslation or receiving written material. You can register, get answers for additional questions, learn the details for payment by phones: +38 (067) 3055560, +38 (050) 0607800 or by contacting via e-mail info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. Information about the speaker: In 2007, Anastasiya Moskalenko established "Law Firm" Moskalenko & Partners "still finishing the fourth year of study at the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Earlier Anastasia received experience in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukrainian non-governmental organizations, the private holding company and a law firm. Currently she is a partner in the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", attorney of the Kyiv City Bar Council. In 2010 Anastasiya Moskalenko was recognized as one of the best Ukrainian lawyers in the annual core research "The Best Lawyers in the Colleagues’ Eyes in Legal Business". In 2013 she was included on the short-list 300 of lawyers most frequently named by clients and colleagues in a study "Client Choice 2012-2013." Through the early start and very intensive work Anastasiya has a great experience of providing legal assistance in all branches of law, particularly she specializes in civil, corporate, banking, labor, family, commercial, tax and criminal law, judicial litigation and legislation on associations of citizens. Anastasiya is a member of the National Association of Advocates of Ukraine and the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine in the past was one of the founders and held the position of Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization “Debate Academy” in 2007-2010. and Member of Supervisory Board of the All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization “The Debate Federation of Ukraine” (2011-2013). She repeatedly took part in bills' drafting, has more than 50 professional publications and regularly speaks at events Ukrainian Bar Association, Kyiv city Bar Council and others, keeps a professional video blog.
www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua Information about Media Partners: Prostopravo.com.ua - Your guide in the world of legal relations Helps to find answers to questions of legal nature faced by natural and legal persons in their usual activity. If you cannot find information in the sections of the site, feel free to ask questions to lawyers and get free legal advice.

"LEGAL PROFESSION AND BUSINESS: PRACTICAL ASPECTS FOR YOUNG LAWYERS" Press release The Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" announces exclusive workshop of the partner of the firm, attorney Anastasiya Moskalenko "The Legal Profession and Business Practical Aspects for Young Lawyers." The workshop consists of 2 main practical units: I. LEGAL PROFESSION, CAREER AND BUSINESS: 1. What are the legal professions? How to choose you own professional path? 2. How to find a good job? To what pays attention the employer in the resume of a young job seeker? 3. What are the factors of professional development? 4. What factors of career development? 5. How to make quick career in someone else company? 6. What do you need to start your own legal business? And is it good for you personally? 7. Ways to develop professional and business qualities of the lawyer. 8. Professional organizations and their benefits. II. LEGAL PRACTICE: 1. Ethics of legal practice in relation to colleagues and clients. 2. Section practices by types of law and economic spheres. 3. Methods of project work: litigation. 4. Methods of project work: contracts and other extrajudicial projects. 5. Nuances of work on the examples of some practices. 6. Technical part of the lawyer's job. 7. Additional skills required from modern lawyers. 8. Lawyer behavior in critical situations. 3. Results: Questions and Answers. Pluses and Minuses of the Legal Profession. The audience and purpose of the workshop: this author's seminar focuses on the basics of the legal profession, career and business and practical point of view and will help young specialists to find answers to most questions that concern (or have to worry) them at the beginning of their career path. It will be very useful for students, graduates and young lawyers with little experience (less than 5 years) and those colleagues who are interested in the possibility of creating their own legal business. The seminar will be interesting to practicing lawyers of all specialties and all those interested in our profession. The workshop will help young lawyers to keep, fully and effectively use their labor and life time to achieve the best possible personal career and professional result. All participants will get handouts and will be able to ask questions that interested them. Time & Date: "10" of October 2015, from 11.00 - 15.00 p.m. Place: 03037, Kyiv, 4 zh Chervonozoryanyi Avenue, Office 14, The Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners". Participation fee: 250 UAH. with pre-registration, 300 UAH. if paid on the day of the workshop. Seats are limited! There is chance of a distant participation in the seminar by videotranslation or receiving written material. You can register, get answers for additional questions, learn the details for payment by phones: +38 (067) 3055560, +38 (050) 0607800 or by contacting via e-mail info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. Information about the speaker: In 2007, Anastasiya Moskalenko established "Law Firm" Moskalenko & Partners "still finishing the fourth year of study at the Faculty of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Earlier Anastasia received experience in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukrainian non-governmental organizations, the private holding company and a law firm. Currently she is a partner in the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", attorney of the Kyiv City Bar Council. In 2010 Anastasiya Moskalenko was recognized as one of the best Ukrainian lawyers in the annual core research "The Best Lawyers in the Colleagues’ Eyes in Legal Business". In 2013 she was included on the short-list 300 of lawyers most frequently named by clients and colleagues in a study "Client Choice 2012-2013." Through the early start and very intensive work Anastasiya has a great experience of providing legal assistance in all branches of law, particularly she specializes in civil, corporate, banking, labor, family, commercial, tax and criminal law, judicial litigation and legislation on associations of citizens. Anastasiya is a member of the National Association of Advocates of Ukraine and the Association of Lawyers of Ukraine in the past was one of the founders and held the position of Vice-President of the All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization “Debate Academy” in 2007-2010. and Member of Supervisory Board of the All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization “The Debate Federation of Ukraine” (2011-2013). She repeatedly took part in bills' drafting, has more than 50 professional publications and regularly speaks at events Ukrainian Bar Association, Kyiv city Bar Council and others, keeps a professional video blog.
www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua Information about Media Partners: Prostopravo.com.ua - Your guide in the world of legal relations Helps to find answers to questions of legal nature faced by natural and legal persons in their usual activity. If you cannot find information in the sections of the site, feel free to ask questions to lawyers and get free legal advice.