8ht Anniversary of the Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners»

8ht Anniversary of the Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners»
11/15/2015 is 8 years since the foundation of the Law Firm “Moskalenko & Partners”. During this long time our company has grown, matured, united friendly group of the most talented and educated lawyers - professionals from all those we know. We have won and continue to win unique litigation cases, acquired our own office, but most importantly - have helped hundreds of people to solve their problems. Due to the 100% commitment to our customers and investing in each case the entire intellectual potential of the company, the results of our work for clients are incredibly effective. The percentage of cases we win in the proceedings of the company reaches 98-99%. In 2015 we did not lose a single credit case. Our credo, as before, is to protect the client's interests as our own, promising only the real thing, and achieving what we promised.