Banking Law and Deposit Refund

Banking & Finance is one of the leading practices of firm. We cooperate with suppliers (banks, credit unions and other financial institutions) and financial services consumers.
For deposit owners of financial institutions we offer legal assistance in return of deposits in the pre-trial and trial order, regardless of the financial institution, which includes the development of optimal tactics, preliminary analysis of documents and situation, negotiations, statements, complaints to regulatory authorities, all necessary actions in court prior to the actual receipt of money. We help return deposits to residents of Kiev, Ukraine's mainland, the eastern region and the Crimea.
For the borrowers citizens and legal entities - consumers of banking and financial services - we offer: consultations on the conclusion, modification and termination of credit and insurance contracts, mortgages, guarantees and other agreements entered into to secure the obligations as well as on the conformity of these agreements with applicable laws; representation of clients in negotiations with banking institutions and other stakeholders; legal services of debt restructuring by numerous ways provided by law and agreement, with the selection of the best of them, depending on individual needs; effective full support of litigation concerning recovery of loans and deposits, foreclosure of mortgaged property, recognition of notary writ to be not enforceable in the Ukrainian courts of all instances as well as in arbitration courts; representation of clients before the State Executive Service while enjoying all rights granted by law. In most cases that result in the partial or complete avoidance of liability for breach of loan commitments or significant delay of its negative consequences.
For banks and credit unions we offer services of problem debts collection during the pre-trial and trial stage and at the stage of enforcement. We also offer legal consultations on any aspect of banking and financial activity in Ukraine.
For more our recommendations on Banking law please see the “Publications”, “Consultations” and “Video Blog”.
For more information about our services in this practice, call us: +38 067 305 55 60, +38 050 06 07 800.
For deposit owners of financial institutions we offer legal assistance in return of deposits in the pre-trial and trial order, regardless of the financial institution, which includes the development of optimal tactics, preliminary analysis of documents and situation, negotiations, statements, complaints to regulatory authorities, all necessary actions in court prior to the actual receipt of money. We help return deposits to residents of Kiev, Ukraine's mainland, the eastern region and the Crimea.
For the borrowers citizens and legal entities - consumers of banking and financial services - we offer: consultations on the conclusion, modification and termination of credit and insurance contracts, mortgages, guarantees and other agreements entered into to secure the obligations as well as on the conformity of these agreements with applicable laws; representation of clients in negotiations with banking institutions and other stakeholders; legal services of debt restructuring by numerous ways provided by law and agreement, with the selection of the best of them, depending on individual needs; effective full support of litigation concerning recovery of loans and deposits, foreclosure of mortgaged property, recognition of notary writ to be not enforceable in the Ukrainian courts of all instances as well as in arbitration courts; representation of clients before the State Executive Service while enjoying all rights granted by law. In most cases that result in the partial or complete avoidance of liability for breach of loan commitments or significant delay of its negative consequences.
For banks and credit unions we offer services of problem debts collection during the pre-trial and trial stage and at the stage of enforcement. We also offer legal consultations on any aspect of banking and financial activity in Ukraine.
For more our recommendations on Banking law please see the “Publications”, “Consultations” and “Video Blog”.
For more information about our services in this practice, call us: +38 067 305 55 60, +38 050 06 07 800.