The Article by Elina Antsut "Creation of the Efficient Structure of Public Oganization" Was Published

On the 19th of October 2012 the Internet portal "Public Space" published an article entitled "Creation the Efficient Structure of Public Organization".
Elina Antsut describes features of a truly efficient structure of public organizations and provides helpful advice to new and existing associations of citizens.
The lawyer focuses on the fact that the main characteristics of the structure of public organizations are its division into structural elements, accountability and subordination. The author argues that an effective structure enables the public organization to coordinate and to control the activities of departments and employees. Elina Antsut describes important factors for the efficient structure of public organizations. They are the following:
•establishing traditions and customs; •establishing, registration and usage of symbols of the public organization; •intensive information campaign; •creating a positive image.
Elina Antsut describes features of a truly efficient structure of public organizations and provides helpful advice to new and existing associations of citizens.
The lawyer focuses on the fact that the main characteristics of the structure of public organizations are its division into structural elements, accountability and subordination. The author argues that an effective structure enables the public organization to coordinate and to control the activities of departments and employees. Elina Antsut describes important factors for the efficient structure of public organizations. They are the following:
•establishing traditions and customs; •establishing, registration and usage of symbols of the public organization; •intensive information campaign; •creating a positive image.