Family law

Conflicts in the family can arise on the basis of disagreements in the views and interests of spouses, children and parents, and also on the basis of joint ownership and disposal of common property. Our primary task is to determine the causes of the conflict and the true state of affairs: what each of the parties has the legal right to claim. After that, we recommend the client the most economical and effective legal solutions of his problem. We will do our best to reconcile the parties to solve the client's problem without litigation. But if it is impossible, we are ready to protect the rights and interests of the client in court.
Since 2007, we have accompanied family disputes in the amount of more than 48 800 000 UAH. About half of them were solved with the help of a settlement agreement of the parties.
We have extensive experience of protection in the sphere of family law, including unique, non-standard situations. For example, we won cases on recognition of marriage as unconcluded, on recognition of registration of marriage as invalid, on sharing of common debts of spouses and on deviding expensive real estate. We have a large practice of family cases with a foreign and international element. But our priority remains always the reconciliation of the parties and the solution of the problem by mutual agreement.
The team of Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" helps our private clients to solve their family legal issues, in particular:
• We provide legal advice on the procedure and legal consequences of the conclusion and dissolution of marriage, the division of property, the conclusion of marriage contracts and prepare projects of marriage contracts;
• We help to collect and restore family documents, destroyed, lost or stolen;
• We help clients to identify optimal tactics of behavior in family disputes and reach reconciliation with the other party, if possible;
• We provide support for administrative and judicial procedures for divorce and separation of spouses' property, including the division of property encumbered by credit obligations;
• We assist in disputes over the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of the child, the second spouse, additional expenses;
• We help to resolve other categories of family disputes in judicial and injudicial order;
• We provide support for executive proceedings and procedures for execution of court decisions in family disputes.
According to our developed practice of legal cases on anti-credit and anti-collector services, we can confidently take into work a complex judicial dispute about the division of property burdened by mortgages etc.
By contacting us for legal services in the sphere of family disputes, you can be sure that such services will be provided confidentially, promptly and with the maximum protection of your interests in accordance with the law and judicial practice.
Our publications on the topic of family law you can find here: http://www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua/uk/Publications.html.
Our video consultations you can find here:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCohmmvo_yhzUcTWcesxDnQQ?view_as=public .
Our won court decisions you can find here: http://www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua/uk/judicial-decisions.html.