Inadmissibility of Double Responsibility. The Example from the Court Practice of the LF “Moskalenko & Partners”

In a weekly edition “The Legal Newspaper” (№ 27 (248)) as of July 06, 2010 an article of the partner Anastasia Moskalenko and lawyer Vladyslav Galinskyi of the Law Firm “Moskalenko & Partners” was published. The topic of article was as follows – «Inadmissibility of usage of a double responsibility for infringement of credit obligations». In this article some ways of bringing of debtors and their guarantors to responsibility for default of credit obligations were listed by authors. Anastasia and Vladislav noted that enforcing of several schemes of bringing to responsibility simultaneously is inadmissible as it breaches the current Ukrainian legislation. Authors provide practical example from the Law Firm “Moskalenko & Partners” court practice about successful defence of debtor’s and quarantor’s interests in court trial with bank on 2.3 mlns grn. The decision in favor of respondents came into force.