Anastasiya Moskalenko Spoke on Training for Lawyers «Leadership In Law»

On September 7, 2013 partner of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Mrs. Anastasiya Moskalenko shared her professional experience in the training for lawyers «Leadership in Law», conducted by the Charity Fund "TCK Creative Center." Participants of the training were young lawyers, attorneys, law firm leaders and students.
During her speech Anastasiya shared experience of creating her own law firm, taught participants to ask themselves right questions, the answers to which provide growth to professional and career development.
Another speakers of the training were such well-known Ukrainian lawyers as: Iryna Kalinska – attorney at law, mediator, presenter, founder and partner of the "Iryna Kalinska’ Bureau of Reconciliation"; Jaroslav Zeykan - attorney at law, senior partner of AB "Zeykan, Popovych, Golub and Partners"; Larissa Antoshchuk - attorney at law, partner of the LLC "TAX TERRA"; Olga Dmitrieva - attorney at law, managing partner of the LF "Dmitrieva and partners»; Anton Koval – partner of the Patent and Law Agency "Doubinsky and Osharova"; Oleg Makarov - managing partner of the LF "Vasil Kisil and Partners"; Wolfram Rehbock - senior partner of the LF «Arzinger»; Victoria Onopko - senior partner of the LF "Kasyanenko and Partners".
As results of the training the experienced colleagues shared with young lawyers their knowledge for improvement of professional efficiency in the area of legal practice.
During her speech Anastasiya shared experience of creating her own law firm, taught participants to ask themselves right questions, the answers to which provide growth to professional and career development.
Another speakers of the training were such well-known Ukrainian lawyers as: Iryna Kalinska – attorney at law, mediator, presenter, founder and partner of the "Iryna Kalinska’ Bureau of Reconciliation"; Jaroslav Zeykan - attorney at law, senior partner of AB "Zeykan, Popovych, Golub and Partners"; Larissa Antoshchuk - attorney at law, partner of the LLC "TAX TERRA"; Olga Dmitrieva - attorney at law, managing partner of the LF "Dmitrieva and partners»; Anton Koval – partner of the Patent and Law Agency "Doubinsky and Osharova"; Oleg Makarov - managing partner of the LF "Vasil Kisil and Partners"; Wolfram Rehbock - senior partner of the LF «Arzinger»; Victoria Onopko - senior partner of the LF "Kasyanenko and Partners".
As results of the training the experienced colleagues shared with young lawyers their knowledge for improvement of professional efficiency in the area of legal practice.