Anastasiya Moskalenko’s article on the portal "Public Space"

One of the leading practices of the LF "Moskalenko & Partners" is legal regulation of non-profit organizations. On the 24th of September 2012 the portal "Public Space", whose core audience are the non-governmental organizations, published an article written by the managing partner of the LF "Moskalenko & Partners" "Liquidation of Thousands of NGOs` Local Branches Cannot be Justified As It Would Break the Constitution of Ukraine".
In the article Anastasiya analyzes the provisions of the new Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations", which are binding NGOs to liquidate their local branches with the legal entities status, and she reasonably proves inconsistency of these provisions to the Constitution of Ukraine. These dispositions of the new law caused deep concern in national and international NGOs and their members, because actually they set unreasonable forced liquidation of hundreds, and perhaps thousands of the current national and international NGOs’ local branches. According to A. Moskalenko, such legislative dispositions break the constitutional right to freedom of association.
For the full text of the publication follow: http://www.civicua.org/news/view.html?q=1889968
In the article Anastasiya analyzes the provisions of the new Law of Ukraine "On Public Associations", which are binding NGOs to liquidate their local branches with the legal entities status, and she reasonably proves inconsistency of these provisions to the Constitution of Ukraine. These dispositions of the new law caused deep concern in national and international NGOs and their members, because actually they set unreasonable forced liquidation of hundreds, and perhaps thousands of the current national and international NGOs’ local branches. According to A. Moskalenko, such legislative dispositions break the constitutional right to freedom of association.
For the full text of the publication follow: http://www.civicua.org/news/view.html?q=1889968