New Publications

In the newest issue of ‘Segodnya" special project under a label ‘School of Business" a comment of Anastasiya Moskalenko on the legal peculiarities of setting up the ‘flowery" business was published. Since February 14 and March 8 are coming soon and it is traditional to give women flowers on these days, the specified tips are to be of immediate interest. The full text of comments can be found online at: http://www.segodnya.ua/useful/business/14204058.html.
In the weekly edition "The Legal Newspaper’"(№ 47 of November, 23 2010) an article "On the Sales Contracts Settled Via Internet" by Nataliya Melnik, lawyer of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", was published. This article reviews the peculiarities of such contracts and their specificity as well as draw readers’ attention to some problematic points. Taking into consideration the further development of electronic communication, the role of sales contracts settled via Internet is only to grow. Thus, we make no doubt that the extension of provisions of civil law, with respect to specific of mentioned contracts, the realities of the market and consumer requirements, is of current interest for both customers and sellers.
On the Legal Portal "Pravotoday" an article by Anastasiya Moskalenko and Nataliya Melnik was published. Authors have analyzed the most important novels of the tax legislation. This includes: unification of tax legislation, expansion of conceptual framework, abolition of twelve local taxes, legal representation in the tax relationships, regulation of the taxpayers’ duty to provide storage of tax documents, alteration in a procedure of imposing fines and disputing the decisions of fiscal authorities. We believe that this information might be of service to both ‘experienced’ taxpayers and novices, regardless of the sphere of businesses. The full content of the article can be found at: http://pravotoday.in.ua/ru/press-centre/publications/pub-422/.
In the weekly edition "The Legal Newspaper’"(№ 47 of November, 23 2010) an article "On the Sales Contracts Settled Via Internet" by Nataliya Melnik, lawyer of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", was published. This article reviews the peculiarities of such contracts and their specificity as well as draw readers’ attention to some problematic points. Taking into consideration the further development of electronic communication, the role of sales contracts settled via Internet is only to grow. Thus, we make no doubt that the extension of provisions of civil law, with respect to specific of mentioned contracts, the realities of the market and consumer requirements, is of current interest for both customers and sellers.
On the Legal Portal "Pravotoday" an article by Anastasiya Moskalenko and Nataliya Melnik was published. Authors have analyzed the most important novels of the tax legislation. This includes: unification of tax legislation, expansion of conceptual framework, abolition of twelve local taxes, legal representation in the tax relationships, regulation of the taxpayers’ duty to provide storage of tax documents, alteration in a procedure of imposing fines and disputing the decisions of fiscal authorities. We believe that this information might be of service to both ‘experienced’ taxpayers and novices, regardless of the sphere of businesses. The full content of the article can be found at: http://pravotoday.in.ua/ru/press-centre/publications/pub-422/.