Online-store: Legal Recommendation to Owners and Managers

On the 9th of September the Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners» held a seminar for the owners and managers of Internet-stores and for those who want to run the Internet-business in future: «ONLINE-STORE: LEGAL RECOMMENDATIONS TO OWNERS AND MANAGERS ».
The following topics were highlighted at the seminar: the result of legal audit of Internet-stores and advantages of appropriate legal registration of such a business; the Ukrainian legislation on electronic commerce; different options of legal forms of Internet business and their comparative characteristic; formalization of relations between partners and employees in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine; protection of consumers’ rights and protection from bad-faith consumers; the taxation issues; inspection of supervising bodies: tax authorities, sanitary-epidemiological bodies, fire service, consumer rights’ protection authorities; protection of intellectual property rights on intangible assets of your business: state registration procedure, license agreements.
Information partners of the seminar: News agency «The Ukrainian News», «The Legal Newspaper», «The Practical Newspaper», The All-Ukrainian Public Organisation «The Quality of Life», The Ukrainian Direct Marketing Association, Portal of Business Elite "The Ukrbusiness", The Legal Portal «Pravotoday».
In June 2010 the Law firm "Moskalenko & Partners” conducted a legal audit of 30 popular Online Stores, according to the results of which a number of conclusions was made. Based on these findings as well as after participation in specialized seminars and forums on the Internet-Commerce, personal inquiry of online stores’ owners on legal issues they are interested in, we had prepared a comprehensive legal product that was presented at the seminar.
The following topics were highlighted at the seminar: the result of legal audit of Internet-stores and advantages of appropriate legal registration of such a business; the Ukrainian legislation on electronic commerce; different options of legal forms of Internet business and their comparative characteristic; formalization of relations between partners and employees in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine; protection of consumers’ rights and protection from bad-faith consumers; the taxation issues; inspection of supervising bodies: tax authorities, sanitary-epidemiological bodies, fire service, consumer rights’ protection authorities; protection of intellectual property rights on intangible assets of your business: state registration procedure, license agreements.
Information partners of the seminar: News agency «The Ukrainian News», «The Legal Newspaper», «The Practical Newspaper», The All-Ukrainian Public Organisation «The Quality of Life», The Ukrainian Direct Marketing Association, Portal of Business Elite "The Ukrbusiness", The Legal Portal «Pravotoday».
In June 2010 the Law firm "Moskalenko & Partners” conducted a legal audit of 30 popular Online Stores, according to the results of which a number of conclusions was made. Based on these findings as well as after participation in specialized seminars and forums on the Internet-Commerce, personal inquiry of online stores’ owners on legal issues they are interested in, we had prepared a comprehensive legal product that was presented at the seminar.