Protection in Administrative Cases on Violation of Customs Regulations

Since 2007 team of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" has been working in the field of protection of Ukrainian and foreign citizens and companies in court cases on violation of customs regulations in Ukraine.
In particular, we have represented multinational corporations and their employees in various cases on violation of customs regulations with the amount above U.S. $ 300 000 per shipment and repeatedly returned seized goods and vehicles to the their owners.
We have very positive experience of return of the seized currency, which was moved across the state border of Ukraine through the "green corridor" in cash without declaration, to persons accused in violation of the Article 471 of the Customs Code of Ukraine.
The main goal of our work is the prompt return of the seized goods, currency, vehicles to their owners and preventing their illegal confiscation.
To protect our clients we use the entire volume of international and Ukrainian law and judicial precedents, including the European Court of Human Rights. Despite the fact that the responsibility for violation of customs regulations in most cases provides for the confiscation and opponents in customs matters are prosecutors and customs officers who statistically win the vast majority of cases due to high protection of state interests by the courts, we have created successful court precedents which we use in all courts for maximum protection of the rights and interests of our clients.
If your company or you personally have been accused of violation of customs regulations it is important for the protection to be originally built with the winning line. So call us now: +38 067 305 55 60, +38 050 06 07 800, +38 044 275 05 10, or send an e-mail to info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua.