The Concept of Restorative Justice in Light of Criminal Justice Reform

With the latest issue of «The Legal Newspaper» № 1-2 of January 18, 2011 one can familiarize himself with publication by Anastasiya Moskalenko and Irina Ponomarenko on the concepts of restorative criminal justice. This article is unique since the given matter is being new to Ukrainian legal science, and the research is based on foreign sources only.
Criminal justice system of Ukraine is still based on the postulates of post-Soviet methods which are aimed primarily at punishment of crime, as opposed to the concept of restorative justice which seeks for the ways to compensate damages and to restore justice. It also provides awareness of the offender on his guilt, self-determination of the parties, independent decision-making and civic engagement.
Thorough studying and implementation of the restorative justice techniques, which have been worked out in developed countries (with respect to Ukrainian reality), into the concept of penal reform so far picking up steam, will provide the decrease of repetition of crime, result in re-education of offenders and provide rehabilitation of victims and reimbursement of the criminal injury. Thus, it is to be of the big necessity to create a leading edge, highly efficient and fair criminal justice system in Ukraine.
Criminal justice system of Ukraine is still based on the postulates of post-Soviet methods which are aimed primarily at punishment of crime, as opposed to the concept of restorative justice which seeks for the ways to compensate damages and to restore justice. It also provides awareness of the offender on his guilt, self-determination of the parties, independent decision-making and civic engagement.
Thorough studying and implementation of the restorative justice techniques, which have been worked out in developed countries (with respect to Ukrainian reality), into the concept of penal reform so far picking up steam, will provide the decrease of repetition of crime, result in re-education of offenders and provide rehabilitation of victims and reimbursement of the criminal injury. Thus, it is to be of the big necessity to create a leading edge, highly efficient and fair criminal justice system in Ukraine.