The article by Elina Antsut "Dismissal of the Manager for Disposable Major Breach of Labor Duties"

The article “Dismissal of the Manager for Disposable Major Breach of Labor Duties” by Elina Antsut was published in the Journal "Work and Law" № 3 (159).
In this article the author analyzes the features of dismissal person who holds a managing post under Para 1 of Part 1 of Article 41 of the Labor Code of Ukraine. In particular, attention of readers focuses on legal aspects of manager’s dismissal for disposable major breach of labor duties and such legal execution of dismissal on this basis that provide reasonable, unshakable argumentation and evidentiary basis in case of future disputes. Senior lawyer analyzes contemporary labor law, scientific sources of recommendation, judicial practice in such disputes and the bill of new Labor Code of Ukraine.
Outlined recommendations in Elina’s article are useful for business owners for proper execution of dismissal and for managers in order to protect their labor rights in case of absence of all required grounds for dismissal on this basis.
In this article the author analyzes the features of dismissal person who holds a managing post under Para 1 of Part 1 of Article 41 of the Labor Code of Ukraine. In particular, attention of readers focuses on legal aspects of manager’s dismissal for disposable major breach of labor duties and such legal execution of dismissal on this basis that provide reasonable, unshakable argumentation and evidentiary basis in case of future disputes. Senior lawyer analyzes contemporary labor law, scientific sources of recommendation, judicial practice in such disputes and the bill of new Labor Code of Ukraine.
Outlined recommendations in Elina’s article are useful for business owners for proper execution of dismissal and for managers in order to protect their labor rights in case of absence of all required grounds for dismissal on this basis.