October 08, 2015 year
General Media Partners

The VII Annual Seminar on Credit Disputes
THE ANTICREDIT: WAYS TO GET RID OR TO REDUCE BURDEN OF THE PROBLEM LOAN Seminar topics: 1. Court Settlement of the Conflict with the Lender. In what cases the out-of-trial conflict settlement is preferable. What tips the banks pay attention to and what tips borrowers must accentuate. What restructures of debt are preferable and what conditions to ask while negotiation. How to make official clearance of debt forgiveness. 2. Courts of Arbitration, Еffective Мethods of Protection of Consumer Rights in Credit Services. Losing tactics for borrowers. How to separate harmful from useful and really protect borrowers' rights. The court recognition of the arbitration agreement invalid. 3. Judicial Practice of Supreme Courts in Credit Disputes. Trends and Examples. The legal conclusions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in credit disputes, application of which is mandatory for all courts of Ukraine. Successful examples of decisions that have entered into force. 4. Tax Consequences of Credit Debt Cancellation Must the borrowers and under what conditions they must pay income tax of individuals for the canceled loans (from the debt body, interest, fines, penalties). Why the "gray" schemes on assignment of debt are unacceptable. 5. Other Aspects of the Credit Relationships. How to protect yourself from collectors and what powers they actually possess. Raising rates of court fees of 01.01.2016, the Introduction of private bailiffs. Restrictions on travel abroad. In which cases criminal liability for default credit obligations is possible. The speakers of the workshop: • Igor Berdan, managing partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» attorney • Anastasiya Moskalenko, partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» attorney • Daryna Moskalenko, lawyer of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Legal Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" was founded in 2007, specializes in credit disputes and brings together recognized experts in the field among colleagues and clients. Seminar “ANTICREDIT: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan”is conducted every year and is the unprecedented legal event in Ukraine on credit cases. The judicial decisions we won against the biggest banks of Ukraine, a large number of publications and video consultations you can find at www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. The Time: 8th of October 2015 (thursday), 19.00 - 21.00. The place: Kyiv, Independence Square, st. Myhaylovskaya 1.3, Kozatskiy Hotel Participation in the seminar will be free of charge, 500 UAH for the one person if paid on the day of the workshop. Distance participation by videoconferencing is possible. You can get answers for additional questions and sign up for individual legal consultation by phone.: +38 (067) 3055560, +38 (050) 0607800 or by contacting us via e-mail info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. __________________________________________________________________ www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua Information about General Media Partner: www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua- Your guide in the world of legal relations Helps to find answers to questions of legal nature faced by natural and legal persons in their usual activity. If you cannot find information in the sections of the site, feel free to ask questions to lawyers and get free legal advice.

THE ANTICREDIT: WAYS TO GET RID OR TO REDUCE BURDEN OF THE PROBLEM LOAN Seminar topics: 1. Court Settlement of the Conflict with the Lender. In what cases the out-of-trial conflict settlement is preferable. What tips the banks pay attention to and what tips borrowers must accentuate. What restructures of debt are preferable and what conditions to ask while negotiation. How to make official clearance of debt forgiveness. 2. Courts of Arbitration, Еffective Мethods of Protection of Consumer Rights in Credit Services. Losing tactics for borrowers. How to separate harmful from useful and really protect borrowers' rights. The court recognition of the arbitration agreement invalid. 3. Judicial Practice of Supreme Courts in Credit Disputes. Trends and Examples. The legal conclusions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine in credit disputes, application of which is mandatory for all courts of Ukraine. Successful examples of decisions that have entered into force. 4. Tax Consequences of Credit Debt Cancellation Must the borrowers and under what conditions they must pay income tax of individuals for the canceled loans (from the debt body, interest, fines, penalties). Why the "gray" schemes on assignment of debt are unacceptable. 5. Other Aspects of the Credit Relationships. How to protect yourself from collectors and what powers they actually possess. Raising rates of court fees of 01.01.2016, the Introduction of private bailiffs. Restrictions on travel abroad. In which cases criminal liability for default credit obligations is possible. The speakers of the workshop: • Igor Berdan, managing partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» attorney • Anastasiya Moskalenko, partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» attorney • Daryna Moskalenko, lawyer of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Legal Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" was founded in 2007, specializes in credit disputes and brings together recognized experts in the field among colleagues and clients. Seminar “ANTICREDIT: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan”is conducted every year and is the unprecedented legal event in Ukraine on credit cases. The judicial decisions we won against the biggest banks of Ukraine, a large number of publications and video consultations you can find at www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. The Time: 8th of October 2015 (thursday), 19.00 - 21.00. The place: Kyiv, Independence Square, st. Myhaylovskaya 1.3, Kozatskiy Hotel Participation in the seminar will be free of charge, 500 UAH for the one person if paid on the day of the workshop. Distance participation by videoconferencing is possible. You can get answers for additional questions and sign up for individual legal consultation by phone.: +38 (067) 3055560, +38 (050) 0607800 or by contacting us via e-mail info@moskalenkolawyers.com.ua. __________________________________________________________________ www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua Information about General Media Partner: www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua- Your guide in the world of legal relations Helps to find answers to questions of legal nature faced by natural and legal persons in their usual activity. If you cannot find information in the sections of the site, feel free to ask questions to lawyers and get free legal advice.