Anastasiya Moskalenko spoke on Training for Lawyers about the credit relationships

On December 6, 2013 partner of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Anastasiya Moskalenko shared her experience at the seminar conducted by the Center of traineeship and advance training for lawyers over the Bar Council of Kiev. The main theme was credit relationships. The seminar was attended by over 100 participants : young lawyer and law firm partners.
During the speech Anastasiya told about her own experience of conducting legal controversy with financial institutions, in particular, the seminar discussed the following issues: recognition of credit agreements and collateral agreements as invalid, grounds for termination of the contracts, possible argumentation of the borrower in credit disputes and other.
Also Anastasiya explained when and how to divide the marital property burdened with credit obligations.
Anastasiya was glad to share her experience with colleagues to improve the protection of rights of borrowers in credit disputes.