Anastasiya Moskalenko Comments for “Dengy”

In the latest issue of the popular Ukrainian magazine «Dengy» a comment of the Partner of the LF «Moskalenko & Partners» Anastasiya Moskalenko to the article «Idea on 20 thousand UAH: lease for rental coffee machine» with practical legal advice on signing and execution of leases of movable property was published.
Ms. Moskalenko stressed the importance of signing act of assets’ reception & transmission and the official calculations. If the tenant persistently delays the payments the leasor should go to court. The court should be provided with copy of the leasing agreement, act of assets’ reception & transmission, act of mutual verification (if possible), payment and other documents containing information about the relationship between the parties (banks' quittance, receipts for rent etc). Before filing a lawsuit one should send a complaint letter to the offender with requested receipt, a copy of this letter should be provided to the court.
Ms. Moskalenko stressed the importance of signing act of assets’ reception & transmission and the official calculations. If the tenant persistently delays the payments the leasor should go to court. The court should be provided with copy of the leasing agreement, act of assets’ reception & transmission, act of mutual verification (if possible), payment and other documents containing information about the relationship between the parties (banks' quittance, receipts for rent etc). Before filing a lawsuit one should send a complaint letter to the offender with requested receipt, a copy of this letter should be provided to the court.