Anastasiya Moskalenko Taught Students to Law Practice

On the 30th of August partner of the Law Firm “Moskalenko & Partners” Anastasiya Moskalenko took part as an expert in the III Ukrainian Public Activities Training Camp, organized by the Students League of Ukrainian Bar Association, at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Ms. Anastasiya delivered the report on "Legal business foundation" and shared her experience of public activities, the niceties of the legal profession with young lawyers. The choice of topic was not coincidental, because Ms. Anastasiya established a law firm when she was a student. The law firm has been successfully developing from its establishment till nowadays.
The report was very useful and informative for the young ambitious lawyers. All present were interested in the following: how to create a legal business and to "keep it afloat", how to find and to attract clients in order to choose your firm. The young colleagues found out many valuable and useful advice, which helped Ms. Anastasiya to create her own business which is a source of inspiration, income and a part of her life.
Besides Ms. Anastasiya told about her first work experience, and drew attention to the fact that she got it at third year university, she advised students not to be afraid of working, but otherwise to start working as soon as they will feel their strength, because everything may be achieved by hard work and singleness.
Also among speakers there were Valentyn Zagariya, Managing Partner of "Spenser & Kauffmann" Law Firm and President of Ukrainian Bar Association, Denis Bugay, Partner of the Law Firm "Vashchenko, Bugay and Partners", Board member of Ukrainian Bar Association, Bogdan Havrylyshyn, one of the best known Ukrainian public figure in the world, Vasil Kisil, Senior Partner of "Vasil Kisil & Partners" Law Firm, Sergey Kozyakov, Managing Partner of "Kozyakov and Partners" Law Firm and Sergey Vlasenko, MP and well-known lawyer.
Ms. Anastasiya delivered the report on "Legal business foundation" and shared her experience of public activities, the niceties of the legal profession with young lawyers. The choice of topic was not coincidental, because Ms. Anastasiya established a law firm when she was a student. The law firm has been successfully developing from its establishment till nowadays.
The report was very useful and informative for the young ambitious lawyers. All present were interested in the following: how to create a legal business and to "keep it afloat", how to find and to attract clients in order to choose your firm. The young colleagues found out many valuable and useful advice, which helped Ms. Anastasiya to create her own business which is a source of inspiration, income and a part of her life.
Besides Ms. Anastasiya told about her first work experience, and drew attention to the fact that she got it at third year university, she advised students not to be afraid of working, but otherwise to start working as soon as they will feel their strength, because everything may be achieved by hard work and singleness.
Also among speakers there were Valentyn Zagariya, Managing Partner of "Spenser & Kauffmann" Law Firm and President of Ukrainian Bar Association, Denis Bugay, Partner of the Law Firm "Vashchenko, Bugay and Partners", Board member of Ukrainian Bar Association, Bogdan Havrylyshyn, one of the best known Ukrainian public figure in the world, Vasil Kisil, Senior Partner of "Vasil Kisil & Partners" Law Firm, Sergey Kozyakov, Managing Partner of "Kozyakov and Partners" Law Firm and Sergey Vlasenko, MP and well-known lawyer.