Anastasiya Moskalenko Advices to the Participants in Criminal Cases

On the 28th of May the article «If you became a participant in criminal case: advice of the attorney" by partner of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Anastasiya Moskalenko was published on the electronic resource of «Prostopravo».
The attorney provides recommendations concerning simple rules that should be observed if you are called for interrogation. Knowledge and use of these recommendations will protect you from unreasonable accusations, pressure by the investigator and adverse negative effects. You will find detailed advice here: http://www.prostopravo.com.ua/pravonarusheniya/sovety/esli_vy_stali_uchastnikom_ugolovnogo_dela_sovety_advokata?utm_source=site&utm_medium=maillist.
The attorney provides recommendations concerning simple rules that should be observed if you are called for interrogation. Knowledge and use of these recommendations will protect you from unreasonable accusations, pressure by the investigator and adverse negative effects. You will find detailed advice here: http://www.prostopravo.com.ua/pravonarusheniya/sovety/esli_vy_stali_uchastnikom_ugolovnogo_dela_sovety_advokata?utm_source=site&utm_medium=maillist.