The article of Anastasiya Moskalenko on the portal “Yurliga”

The popular legal portal “Yurliga” published the article of attorney at law, managing partner of the LF “Moskalenko & Partners” Anastasiya Moskalenko “Legal problems of non-profit organization’s activities and their tentative solutions”.
In the article the author analyzes in details different causes and factors, which can cause problems in non-profit organization’s activities. The attorney at law emphasizes that current legislation doesn`t regulate the problematic issues concerning activities of non-profit organizations, therefore in critical situations the statute of organization and common rules of civil law will be applied. So, successful activity of non-profit organization and as a result absence of problems depend on how thoroughly regulated procedures in the organization's statute, and how effectively it implemented.
Besides, Anastasiya offers recommendations for the prevention and solution of the problems in non-profit organization’s activities based on practice. They`ll be useful for managers and leaders of such organizations and they help to determine the necessary changes in the organization and to refrain from hasty decisions.
In the article the author analyzes in details different causes and factors, which can cause problems in non-profit organization’s activities. The attorney at law emphasizes that current legislation doesn`t regulate the problematic issues concerning activities of non-profit organizations, therefore in critical situations the statute of organization and common rules of civil law will be applied. So, successful activity of non-profit organization and as a result absence of problems depend on how thoroughly regulated procedures in the organization's statute, and how effectively it implemented.
Besides, Anastasiya offers recommendations for the prevention and solution of the problems in non-profit organization’s activities based on practice. They`ll be useful for managers and leaders of such organizations and they help to determine the necessary changes in the organization and to refrain from hasty decisions.