Law Firm “Moskalenko & Partners” started to cooperate with the Charity Foundation “Blagomay”

On 19 January 2012 Law Firm “Moskalenko & Partners” started to cooperate with the Charity Foundation “Blagomay”. “Blagomay” is the charity foundation assisting orphan asylums, sick children, organizing sport activities, education projects, helping animals etc. One of the first steps towards cooperation with the “Blagomay” was donation of fairy tales, author of which is Julia Kondratska, partner, to orphan asylums and kindergartens. “Kingdom of Kindness” is the fairy tale for children of preschool and primary school age which explains basis legal concepts, such as state, rights, obligations in the accessible for children way.
We look forward to having some other common pro bono projects with the the Charity Foundation “Blagomay”!
We look forward to having some other common pro bono projects with the the Charity Foundation “Blagomay”!