Economic Court of Kyiv refused "Delta Bank" to recover from our customer 1 mln. UAH

Economic Court of Kyiv refused "Delta Bank" to recover from our customer 1 mln. UAH
10.26.2015 g. the Economic Court of Kyiv decided to refuse to the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Ukraine - the temporary administrator of the PJSC "Delta Bank" to satisfy the claims on the early recovery of approximately 1 million UAH debt on revolving credit line agreement with our client - well known Ukrainian LLC. engaged in wholesale trade.
10.26.2015 g. the Economic Court of Kyiv decided to refuse to the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Ukraine - the temporary administrator of the PJSC "Delta Bank" to satisfy the claims on the early recovery of approximately 1 million UAH debt on revolving credit line agreement with our client - well known Ukrainian LLC. engaged in wholesale trade.