Anastasiya Moskalenko advices on how to protect yourself in real estate transactions

On the 5th of September, 2013 the leading legal portal «Prostopravo.com.ua» published an article by Partner of Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners", attorney at law Anastasiya Moskalenko "The Contracts on Purchase and Sale of Real estate: How to Protect Yourself?".
Very often people affected by illegal activities in real estate transactions turn for legal aid. To prevent such actions illegal actions it would be sufficient to provide a mere legal advice before entering into the transaction, but to correct errors it often takes years of litigation.
How to protect yourself from potential problems with the private real estate transactions, you can find out by reading the full text of the publication: http://www.prostopravo.com.ua/nedvizhimost/stati/dogovor_kupli_prodazhi_nedvizhimosti_kak_sebya_
zaschitit .
Very often people affected by illegal activities in real estate transactions turn for legal aid. To prevent such actions illegal actions it would be sufficient to provide a mere legal advice before entering into the transaction, but to correct errors it often takes years of litigation.
How to protect yourself from potential problems with the private real estate transactions, you can find out by reading the full text of the publication: http://www.prostopravo.com.ua/nedvizhimost/stati/dogovor_kupli_prodazhi_nedvizhimosti_kak_sebya_
zaschitit .