The Guarantee to PJSC "Expobank" Was Declared Discontinued

The Guarantee to PJSC "Expobank" Was Declared Discontinued
The Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" supplemented the portfolio of the won cases in favor of guarantors for foreign currency loans. By the decision of the Court of Appeal of the city of Kiev in case No. 22-c / 796/2479/2017, No. 761/7259 / 16c dated 16.03.17, was declared terminated the guarantee of the individual for the foreign currency loan of her spouse to the PJSC "Expobank", that now is in the stage of liquidation. The decision came into force. In the court interests of the guarantor and the borrower were represented by the team consisting of a partner, attorney at lawye Anastasiya Moskalenko and assistant of the attorney, lawyer Anzhelika Tashmatova.