The Personal Income Tax from Our Client’s Loan Abolished

The Personal Income Tax from Our Client’s Loan Abolished
Rivne District Administrative Court on May 10, 2017, granted a lawsuit by the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" in favor of our client on the abolition of tax notice - decision on the obligation to pay more than 50 000 UAH personal income tax and penalties from written-off loan. The Court took into consideration our arguments on the formal violations of documentary tax audit procedures, as well as the injustice and wrong calculation of tax in effect. Since the period of execution of the loan agreement the debtor had paid much more than the sum of the loan, as a result of the implementation of this contract the debtor did not receive "additional benefit". In court the protection of client was provided by the team of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" consisting of the managing partner of the firm, attorney-at-law Berdan Igor, partner and attorney-at-law Anastasiya Moskalenko, and lawyer, assistant attorney Tashmatova Angelica.
Rivne District Administrative Court on May 10, 2017, granted a lawsuit by the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" in favor of our client on the abolition of tax notice - decision on the obligation to pay more than 50 000 UAH personal income tax and penalties from written-off loan. The Court took into consideration our arguments on the formal violations of documentary tax audit procedures, as well as the injustice and wrong calculation of tax in effect. Since the period of execution of the loan agreement the debtor had paid much more than the sum of the loan, as a result of the implementation of this contract the debtor did not receive "additional benefit". In court the protection of client was provided by the team of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" consisting of the managing partner of the firm, attorney-at-law Berdan Igor, partner and attorney-at-law Anastasiya Moskalenko, and lawyer, assistant attorney Tashmatova Angelica.