Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Protects the Rights of Banks' Debtors

Team of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" led by the partners Igor Berdan and Anastasiya Moskalenko provided an effective protection of the interests of the debtor of PJSC "Ukrinbank", resulting in the dispute resolved by the agreement of parties.
History of this case is as follows. The debtor purchased the flat in a mortgage for the price of 400,000 U.S. dollars. After beginning of the financial crisis, the debtor lost the income and other property savings and was unable to repay the credit over. The Bank received a notary executive inscription of foreclosure on the mortgaged property, but with help of the team of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" this executive inscription has been recognized by the court as unenforceable. Next, the Bank filed a lawsuit to recover the debt, but by the results of the initial trial consideration and our counterclaim, after several years of litigation, the Bank asked to enter a settlement agreement, the Bank agreed to finish the dispute on the terms proposed by the borrower. Actually, the debtor has sold the apartment by the market price of $ 200 000, so $ 140 000 of which were sent to repayment of the credit body, and $ 60 000 were provided for debtor to spend. .Fines and penalties were decommissioned by the Bank. For today, the debtor has received documents confirming the complete absence of debt under the credit agreement, so the debtor has money for the new home, and litigation is already completed.