The Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners» held the ІІІ Annual Seminar «THE ANTICREDIT: WAYS TO GET RID OR TO REDUCE BURDEN OF A PROBLEM LOAN»

Оn the 11th of November, 2011 the Law Firm «Moskalenko & Partners» held the ІІІ Annual Seminar «THE ANTICREDIT: WAYS TO GET RID OR TO REDUCE BURDEN OF A PROBLEM LOAN».
The following topics were highlighted at the seminar:
1.Legal ways to reduce the credit burden: pros and cons, potential risks, judicial practice.
2.Popular ways to avoid property confiscation.
3.Current issues of enforcement of collection credit debt.
4. Judicial practice: annulment and change of the terms of loan and pledge agreements. Tendencies and successful examples from practice.
Collection of problem loans and avoidance of such collection at all of its stages (pre-judicial, judicial, executive) is one of the main practices of the Law firm «Moskalenko & Partners». Our advantages are the high level of legal services, loyal pricing, personal approach. Lawyers of our firm have a great experience in suing credit contracts, mortgage contracts, guarantee contracts, changing conditions and terms of contracts in a court process, suing notary endorsements etc. Percentage of cases we won consistently high.

The following topics were highlighted at the seminar:
1.Legal ways to reduce the credit burden: pros and cons, potential risks, judicial practice.
2.Popular ways to avoid property confiscation.
3.Current issues of enforcement of collection credit debt.
4. Judicial practice: annulment and change of the terms of loan and pledge agreements. Tendencies and successful examples from practice.
Collection of problem loans and avoidance of such collection at all of its stages (pre-judicial, judicial, executive) is one of the main practices of the Law firm «Moskalenko & Partners». Our advantages are the high level of legal services, loyal pricing, personal approach. Lawyers of our firm have a great experience in suing credit contracts, mortgage contracts, guarantee contracts, changing conditions and terms of contracts in a court process, suing notary endorsements etc. Percentage of cases we won consistently high.