Anastasiya Moskalenko Told Lawyers about the Features of Tax Consequences of Credit Debt Cancellation

On June 8th, 2014 at the premises of business center "Belgravia" (Kyiv) by the initiative of Ukrainian Bar Association there was held the meeting of the Tax Committee dedicated to the theme "The Tax Consequences of Credit Debt Cancellation and Appeals of Tax Notifications-Decisions by Debtors", where the partner of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" Anastasiya Moskalenko acted as a speaker. The workshop was attended by about 30 participants, including both experienced attorneys and lawyers-beginners.
Among the issues raised in the discussion the following ones should be noted: legal basis of profit tax calculation and penalties to borrowers after the cancellation of credit debt; plaintiffs' argumentation and relevant court practice of appeals of tax notifications-decisions on the tax of personal income and on the penalties accrued by the tax authorities on the amount of canceled debt; results of the discussion the Concept of establishment the Financial Investigation Service at the extended meeting of the Council of Entrepreneurs at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with participation of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine leaders. Also Anastasiya Moskalenko advised colleagues to keep track possible "innovations" of legislation that now are under consideration at the Parliament of Ukraine.
Anastasiya Moskalenko willingly shared her experience with colleagues to improve the overall effectiveness of the protection of rights of borrowers in a relatively new category of cases and the formation of good practice on this issue.
Among the issues raised in the discussion the following ones should be noted: legal basis of profit tax calculation and penalties to borrowers after the cancellation of credit debt; plaintiffs' argumentation and relevant court practice of appeals of tax notifications-decisions on the tax of personal income and on the penalties accrued by the tax authorities on the amount of canceled debt; results of the discussion the Concept of establishment the Financial Investigation Service at the extended meeting of the Council of Entrepreneurs at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine with participation of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine leaders. Also Anastasiya Moskalenko advised colleagues to keep track possible "innovations" of legislation that now are under consideration at the Parliament of Ukraine.
Anastasiya Moskalenko willingly shared her experience with colleagues to improve the overall effectiveness of the protection of rights of borrowers in a relatively new category of cases and the formation of good practice on this issue.