"OTP Factoring Ukraine" for the Second Year Unsuccessfully Tries to Recover 3.5 Million UAH

The Court of Appeal of Cherkassy region for the second time satisfied the appeal prepared by our lawyers on behalf of the cooperative on the judgment to open the proceedings for the recovery of 3500000 UAH of debt under the credit agreement through foreclosure on the mortgage - shopping center, owned by our client - property guarantor. The main arguments were the inability to review in civil proceedings the requirements to be considered in the order of economic justice, and the impossibility of combining them into one proceeding with the requirements to an individual - the debtor.
Thus, while the debtor alone would have lost the case in courts of all levels, thanks to the work of our lawyers its examination of the merits did not even begun. Long delays thus allow customers to win enough time for self-foreclosures, because the saying: “time is money” is actually applicable to credit relations.