The recovery and evasion of collection of problem debts at all stages of procedure (pre-trial, judicial, executive) are the main practices of the Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners". Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" held the annual seminars on this subject since 2009, numerous speeches were made in the Ukrainian Bar Association and publications in media.
We won all kinds of credit disputes against the largest banks of Ukraine (Privatbank, Alfa-Bank, Ukrsotsbank, OTP Bank, Ukrinbank and many others) for amounts from 8000 to 4 000 000 UAH, decisions on which entered into force. We were the first of the law firms to declare specialization in credit disputes and since that time accompanied the loan disputes for more than 192 million UAH.
We provided effective legal advices to hundreds of borrowers and guarantors that helped them to choose the best tactics of behavior with the lender and find a way to solve each problem individually, find out how legally not to pay a loan to a bank or pay it with minimal expenses, how to protect if the bank has filed to court. We fully understand all legal subtleties of execution and appeal of credit, mortgage, and guaranty agreements, and we have a large portfolio of won legal disputes on all aspects of credit relations. We also professionally help to negotiate with banks, collectors and executors, remove psychological pressure from the debtor, facilitate signing of settlement agreements and the receipt of installments for the payment of debt obligations.
Real examples from our practice:
- refusals to banks in collecting debts on loans for amounts ranging from UAH 100,000 to USD 200,000; - cancellation of executive notices of notaries about collecting of subjects of the mortgage or pledge on the sums up to 300 000 US dollars; - recognition of arbitration clauses as invalid and closing proceedings in arbitration courts, cancellation of decisions of arbitration courts; - numerous refusals to collect mortgaged items - real estate; - Agreements on restructuring of debts with cancellation of 50% to 80% of the debt and the complete termination of credit obligations; - Agreement for the transfer of loans from foreign currency to the hryvnia for 10 - 16 UAH per dollar or at the current rate, but with the preferential % rate, - AMC “Primokolect-Capital” has completely abandoned any requirements and apologized to the client of Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" as a result of receiving only two letters prepared by us, and so on.
We also help to appeal and cancel tax notice-decisions on the borrower's obligation to pay 15-18% tax on the amount of the written-off credit debt and a fine of 25% of the tax that has been assessed. Our attorneys at law protect interests of borrowers in criminal cases initiated by creditors in order to put pressure on debtors. None of our clients was brought to criminal liability for non-fulfillment of credit obligations. 3 reasons why you should contact us:
1. We specialize in disputes with banks and other financial institutions and are recognized experts in this field among colleagues and customers. For example, on 06.12.2013, the attorney at law Anastasiya Moskalenko reported on our experience in credit disputes at a seminar on in-service training for more than 100 attorneys at law in Kyiv.
2. We maximally defend the interests of the clients, and the amount of our remuneration is many times less than the value of the property that has been saved with us. Usually we help to save from 50 to 100% of the amount of debt.
3. With each client we work under the individual plan, confidentialy and truthfully. We promise realistic results and tell only the truth, not what the client would like to hear. Our victories are based on deep knowledge of the law and colossal experience, and are confirmed by the recommendations of our clients.
With our publications you can find here: http://www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua/uk/Publications.html. Our videos consultations you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCohmmvo_yhzUcTWcesxDnQQ. The won court decisions in tax disputes you can find here:http://www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua/uk/judicial-decisions.html.
The effectiveness of anti-collector services is higher as soon as earlier the tactics of counteraction to the creditor shall be developed and implemented, therefore the earlier the client applies for professional anti-collector services to our lawyers-anti-collectors, the greater is the probability of full or partial evasion from collection of debt and preservation of the client's property.
Therefore, if you have problems with the credit - call us on tel. +38 067 30 555 60, +38 050 06 07 800.
We won all kinds of credit disputes against the largest banks of Ukraine (Privatbank, Alfa-Bank, Ukrsotsbank, OTP Bank, Ukrinbank and many others) for amounts from 8000 to 4 000 000 UAH, decisions on which entered into force. We were the first of the law firms to declare specialization in credit disputes and since that time accompanied the loan disputes for more than 192 million UAH.
We provided effective legal advices to hundreds of borrowers and guarantors that helped them to choose the best tactics of behavior with the lender and find a way to solve each problem individually, find out how legally not to pay a loan to a bank or pay it with minimal expenses, how to protect if the bank has filed to court. We fully understand all legal subtleties of execution and appeal of credit, mortgage, and guaranty agreements, and we have a large portfolio of won legal disputes on all aspects of credit relations. We also professionally help to negotiate with banks, collectors and executors, remove psychological pressure from the debtor, facilitate signing of settlement agreements and the receipt of installments for the payment of debt obligations.
Real examples from our practice:
- refusals to banks in collecting debts on loans for amounts ranging from UAH 100,000 to USD 200,000; - cancellation of executive notices of notaries about collecting of subjects of the mortgage or pledge on the sums up to 300 000 US dollars; - recognition of arbitration clauses as invalid and closing proceedings in arbitration courts, cancellation of decisions of arbitration courts; - numerous refusals to collect mortgaged items - real estate; - Agreements on restructuring of debts with cancellation of 50% to 80% of the debt and the complete termination of credit obligations; - Agreement for the transfer of loans from foreign currency to the hryvnia for 10 - 16 UAH per dollar or at the current rate, but with the preferential % rate, - AMC “Primokolect-Capital” has completely abandoned any requirements and apologized to the client of Law Firm "Moskalenko & Partners" as a result of receiving only two letters prepared by us, and so on.
We also help to appeal and cancel tax notice-decisions on the borrower's obligation to pay 15-18% tax on the amount of the written-off credit debt and a fine of 25% of the tax that has been assessed. Our attorneys at law protect interests of borrowers in criminal cases initiated by creditors in order to put pressure on debtors. None of our clients was brought to criminal liability for non-fulfillment of credit obligations. 3 reasons why you should contact us:
1. We specialize in disputes with banks and other financial institutions and are recognized experts in this field among colleagues and customers. For example, on 06.12.2013, the attorney at law Anastasiya Moskalenko reported on our experience in credit disputes at a seminar on in-service training for more than 100 attorneys at law in Kyiv.
2. We maximally defend the interests of the clients, and the amount of our remuneration is many times less than the value of the property that has been saved with us. Usually we help to save from 50 to 100% of the amount of debt.
3. With each client we work under the individual plan, confidentialy and truthfully. We promise realistic results and tell only the truth, not what the client would like to hear. Our victories are based on deep knowledge of the law and colossal experience, and are confirmed by the recommendations of our clients.
With our publications you can find here: http://www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua/uk/Publications.html. Our videos consultations you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCohmmvo_yhzUcTWcesxDnQQ. The won court decisions in tax disputes you can find here:http://www.moskalenkolawyers.com.ua/uk/judicial-decisions.html.
The effectiveness of anti-collector services is higher as soon as earlier the tactics of counteraction to the creditor shall be developed and implemented, therefore the earlier the client applies for professional anti-collector services to our lawyers-anti-collectors, the greater is the probability of full or partial evasion from collection of debt and preservation of the client's property.
Therefore, if you have problems with the credit - call us on tel. +38 067 30 555 60, +38 050 06 07 800.