
Dear readers!
Let us use this opportunity to give you legal advice, provide with some articles, brochures and generalization of the practice of the lawyers of LF «Moskalenko & Partners». We pay your attention to the fact that the property rights for publications and photographs belong exceptionally to LF «Moskalenko & Partners», partial or full copying or redistribution is permitted only with our written permission. All texts are prepared in accordance with the legislation effective at the time of writing. Since it has been constantly renewing, before taking any decision, we highly recommend you to consult with the lawyers of LF «Moskalenko & Partners».
The Brochures are in Ukrainian!
1. The Brochure: "Anticredit: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan", 2011.
This article is relevant and useful for debtors, creditors, guarantors and other concerned personsin this area. The booklet covers the following topics: general advice to owners of distressed debt; the liability of the guarantor for the failure of the debtor; implication and appeal of the arbitration clause, legal ways to reduce the loan burden: the pros and cons, potential risks; popular ways to avoid property collection; the relevant issues of court enforcement proceedings on credits’ collection; peculiarities of evictions and judicial practice: annulment of loan and pledge agreements; settlement relations between creditors and consumers of financial services; decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with thecommentary on the interpretation of the provisions of Para 22, 23 of article 1, article 11article 18 (8), article 22 (3) of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Rights’ Protection" in relation to the provision of article 42 (4) of the Constitution of Ukraine (case on protection of consumers of credit services).
The publication contains not only a thorough investigation of anticredit issues at the legislative level, but also reveals the reality of their implementation, and also includes tips of the lawyers of LF "Moskalenko & Partners" for the successful -repayment of problem debt.
Download the Brochure "Anticredit: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan"
2. The Brochure: «The legal regulation of NGOs in Ukraine», 2008.
You will find a detailed analysis of the contents of the freedom of association; legal issues regarding activity of NGOs in Ukraine; a description of the procedure of creation, legalization, state registration of NGOs; information on the status and internal organizational structure ofNGOs; economic activity of NGOs; taxation of NGOs in Ukraine; local branches in the structure of NGOs; judicial practice regarding the activities of NGOs.
Founders, leaders and NGOs’ activists, researchers and people who study the dynamics of legal regulation of NGOs in Ukraine may find this brochure useful.
Download the Brochure «The legal regulation of NGOs in Ukraine»
3. The brochure "Legal Aspects of Real Estate Purchase and Sale in Spain and Turkey by Residents of Ukraine".
In this publication you may find interesting and useful information related to «timeshare» as one of the most favorable ways of real estate purchase; legal aspects of real estate purchase and sale in Spain and Turkey: general aspects, currency regulations, the usage of offshore companies while purchasing real property abroad, information on tax laws and operational costs, prospects of obtaining visas and citizenship, mortgage lending abroad.
This publication is intended for everyone willing to buy real estate abroad and for its current owners.
Download the Brochure "Legal Aspects of Real Estate Purchase and Sale in Spain and Turkey by Residents of Ukraine"
Let us use this opportunity to give you legal advice, provide with some articles, brochures and generalization of the practice of the lawyers of LF «Moskalenko & Partners». We pay your attention to the fact that the property rights for publications and photographs belong exceptionally to LF «Moskalenko & Partners», partial or full copying or redistribution is permitted only with our written permission. All texts are prepared in accordance with the legislation effective at the time of writing. Since it has been constantly renewing, before taking any decision, we highly recommend you to consult with the lawyers of LF «Moskalenko & Partners».
The Brochures are in Ukrainian!
1. The Brochure: "Anticredit: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan", 2011.
This article is relevant and useful for debtors, creditors, guarantors and other concerned personsin this area. The booklet covers the following topics: general advice to owners of distressed debt; the liability of the guarantor for the failure of the debtor; implication and appeal of the arbitration clause, legal ways to reduce the loan burden: the pros and cons, potential risks; popular ways to avoid property collection; the relevant issues of court enforcement proceedings on credits’ collection; peculiarities of evictions and judicial practice: annulment of loan and pledge agreements; settlement relations between creditors and consumers of financial services; decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine with thecommentary on the interpretation of the provisions of Para 22, 23 of article 1, article 11article 18 (8), article 22 (3) of the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Rights’ Protection" in relation to the provision of article 42 (4) of the Constitution of Ukraine (case on protection of consumers of credit services).
The publication contains not only a thorough investigation of anticredit issues at the legislative level, but also reveals the reality of their implementation, and also includes tips of the lawyers of LF "Moskalenko & Partners" for the successful -repayment of problem debt.
Download the Brochure "Anticredit: ways to get rid or to reduce burden of the problem loan"
2. The Brochure: «The legal regulation of NGOs in Ukraine», 2008.
You will find a detailed analysis of the contents of the freedom of association; legal issues regarding activity of NGOs in Ukraine; a description of the procedure of creation, legalization, state registration of NGOs; information on the status and internal organizational structure ofNGOs; economic activity of NGOs; taxation of NGOs in Ukraine; local branches in the structure of NGOs; judicial practice regarding the activities of NGOs.
Founders, leaders and NGOs’ activists, researchers and people who study the dynamics of legal regulation of NGOs in Ukraine may find this brochure useful.
Download the Brochure «The legal regulation of NGOs in Ukraine»
3. The brochure "Legal Aspects of Real Estate Purchase and Sale in Spain and Turkey by Residents of Ukraine".
In this publication you may find interesting and useful information related to «timeshare» as one of the most favorable ways of real estate purchase; legal aspects of real estate purchase and sale in Spain and Turkey: general aspects, currency regulations, the usage of offshore companies while purchasing real property abroad, information on tax laws and operational costs, prospects of obtaining visas and citizenship, mortgage lending abroad.
This publication is intended for everyone willing to buy real estate abroad and for its current owners.
Download the Brochure "Legal Aspects of Real Estate Purchase and Sale in Spain and Turkey by Residents of Ukraine"